About Us
EML Engineers and Construction Trading as EML Energy is a South African Petroleum Company owned and managed by Previously Disadvantaged Individuals with a level 1 BBBEE status. EML Energy is a company duly incorporated in accordance with the laws of the Republic of South Africa. Launched in 2006, EML Energy is a member of JIG with a wholesale license, a company well known for delivering affordable, safe and quality services.
EML Energy has a National Foot Print, offices and re fuelling contracts with other operators…giving EML Energy the differential advantage and the ability to provide a Turnkey Fuel Solutions for our local and international costumers on affordable offering wherever they are.
EML Energy is committed to providing services that are simple, reliable, cost effective, safe, environment friendly and innovative to its clients. These have been delivered with a strong brand recognition

EML Energy is a company duly incorporated in accordance with the laws of the Republic of South Africa. Launched in 2006, EML Energy is now a company well known for delivering affordable quality products
EML Energy is committed to providing services that are reliable and cost effective to its clients. These have been delivered with strong brand-recognition.
Why Choose Us
SHEQ legal requirements
No incidents to date
Insurance liability insurance of 1 000 000 000 USD.
Joint Inspection Group
Fuel Guarantees at Refineries
We strive to be the leader in Petroleum and Energy through customer satisfaction
Our Vision
To be the leader in the Aviation Industry through customer satisfaction. To deliver above average returns. First for customer satisfaction. To be the brand of choice.
Our Mission
To provide the best, affordable petroleum products and services. To be the most competitive non refinery
distributor of petroleum products initially in
the Continent by being number one in our
core business.